
It’s all about perspective 🙌

April 28, 2023

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Words are powerful, period. Especially the ones you tell yourself.

In the practice of reframing, you become what you think or say. Manifestation, mind control – call it what you want. It’s pretty potent stuff. And the effects? Downright magical if done right.

So what exactly is reframing? It’s getting into the habit of seeing things in a new light. Spinning a situation to see an alternative side or more ideal outcome. Changing perspective, to put it simply.

Sounds pretty basic, yes? Easy, even. But strikingly life-changing, nonetheless. We’ll show you what we mean. Let’s start with some pretty complex emotions and the more useful insights you could take away from them.

As you can see from this exercise, the process of positively or constructively reframing not only what you think but how you think will change your life forever.

Reframing how you think lets you thrive better in any situation, no matter how uncomfortable or dreary it may seem. It’s the more sustainable approach to positive thinking; and much healthier than toxic positivity. We’re not here for that.

Think: How can I emerge from this a better human being, flaws and all? What is there to learn? Trusting that you can pave better paths for yourself provides clarity and a sense of calm amid chaos in life. Seeing chaos as just that – formless, pointless disorder – adds zero value to your life. Only when you see chaos as a tool for growth or for manifesting order will it begin to make sense as a necessary step towards better, brighter things ahead.

While you can’t control life, you can control what you do with all the lemons it gives.
