
Some brain food for a good mood

May 18, 2023

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It’s the tail end of a long, hectic week. You’ve been glued to your desk for days, anxiously chasing deadlines

When’s the last time you stopped and cuddled your pet? They’ve been giving you puppy dog eyes all week, to which you’ve repeatedly responded: “Later.” We’re here to let you know that the best time to paws and take a break is now – not just for your furry friend’s well-being, but for your own as well.

Science can back us up on this: hugging your pet on a regular basis can give you a much-needed mental health boost!The rationale is simple: physical contact helps trigger the release of oxytocin.

This very same hormone is associated with things like childbirth, the bond between a mother and her newborn child, sexual arousal, and building trust and emotional attachment.Also known as the “happy hormone,” oxytocin – and in turn, petting or cuddling with your cat or dog – comes with all sorts of mood-boosting effects that leave us feeling warm and fuzzy.

Yup – as fluffy as it sounds, the facts are here to prove it: sometimes all you need is a hug! So the next time your pet starts giving you The Look? Allow yourself to take a break, give them a cuddle, and enjoy all the furr-apeutic benefits it can bring.

Don’t have a pet? You’ve just found the perfect excuse to adopt one. And if not? There are many other ways to naturally boost your oxytocin levels, such as:

  • Taking a few minutes to meditate
  • Human touch
  • Doing yoga
  • Savouring a delicious (and nutritious!) meal
  • Playing or listening to music
  • Having a cup of coffee
  • Getting some sun
  • Engaging in positive social interactions

Consider this your friendly reminder to treat yourself to a happy hormone boost, maybe in the form of a positive social interaction – aka working with us?

*Hint hint!* Have a lovely end to your week!